Job Opportunities

District Wide Openings

Note: Click on a job title to learn more about the position.

Position TitleJob NumberJob DescriptionPay Scale
School Speech and Language Pathologist3-18-2025 Speech



Posting Date

March 18, 2025

Starting Date

August 2025

Application Due Date

March 31, 2025


As set by State certification authorities. 

Reports to

Principal in the building assigned and Director of Special Programs

Job Goal

To diagnose and help reduce or eliminate speech and language, as well as impairments in auditory discrimination that interfere with the student's ability to derive full benefit from the District's educational program. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Vision and the Mission of the District and the school assigned. 


  • An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  • Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.
  • Provides a therapy program to meet individual, specific needs of speech and/or language impaired children. 
  • Assists and guides teachers in observing, describing, and referring suspected and identified speech and language impairments. 
  • Provides a thorough assessment and diagnosis of speech, voice, hearing fluency, and language impairments as requested by teachers, principals or parents/guardians. 
  • Reports evaluation results and recommendations to CSE/CPSE as requested. 
  • Provides screening to identify kindergarten children and new entrants with a suspected speech, language, or auditory discrimination disability. 
  • Assists in proper referrals of individuals to agencies and specialists in the community as appropriate. 
  • Collaborates with classroom teachers and other school staff members to integrate therapy goals into the student's daily activities. 
  • Provides information, support and counseling to parents/guardians and families when appropriate. 
  • Provides in-service education and serves as a consultant to teachers and school staff members on topics concerning speech and language and auditory discrimination. 
  • Keeps thorough, ongoing records for the individual students receiving therapy or other school-provided speech services. 
  • Maintains lists of referred, screened, and eligible students, as well as a directory of outside agencies, consultants, specialists, and related services. 
  • Assumes primary responsibility for requisitioning and maintaining needed equipment and supplies. 
  • Assists in preparation of the annual budget for speech therapy services. 
  • Compiles case history data on those students where additional information, family history, health, early development, and environment are needed. 
  • Consults regularly with teachers, principals/administrators, and parents as to an individual child's rogress. 
  • Makes surveys as necessary to establish the incidence of children with speech disabilities in the District. 
  • Works cooperatively with school personnel and outside service providers 
  • Carries out any other assigned duties and/or responsibilities which may be deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of Schools (or designee) and the Board of Education. 



Performs related duties as required or assigned.


Performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Building Principal and/or the Director of Special Programs in accordance with Board of Education policy. 

Terms of Employment

Ten (10) months per year in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education.

As per contract
Director of Special Programs3-14-2025 Director Spec Programs





Director of Special Programs

Posting Date

March 14, 2025


Starting Date

August 2025

Application Due Date

March 31, 2025



  • School Administration and Supervision (SAS), School District Administrator (SDA) or School District Leader (SDL) Certification
  • Experience in Special Education, Administration, or Related Fields is preferred.



Reports to

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction




  • Responsible for leading the Special Education department. Acting as the Liaison for Homeschooled Youth.
  • Coordinating efforts to build a sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for all students.



Works in collaboration with building administrators in the supervision of professional and paraprofessional staff that provide any of the following: school-year special education services and, as assigned, ENL services, 504 Accommodation Plans, homeschooled supports, and Medicaid-funded services. Also, MTSS Tier I Coaches, and MTSS Tier II/III Coaches are districtwide. 



  1. An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  2. Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.
  3. Provides for early identification, evaluation of disabling conditions, and the development of programs or placement in existing programs that meet individual student needs both within and outside of the District.
  4. Collaborate with the building administrators and appropriate staff members in developing and coordinating services designed to increase the academic achievement of all students, including those with disabilities, through:
    1. Supporting staff on best practices in areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment
    2. Data analysis for appropriate educational decision-making
    3. Assistance in planning for the administration of the New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA), the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) and the New York State assessments for grades 3 through 12 for students with disabilities
    4. Collaboration with the building administrators on program, staff and facilities planning, including caseloads, scheduling, and placement.
  1. Complete accurate and timely preparation and filing of required District and New York State verification and accountability reports.
  2. Assists in the supervision and evaluation of professional and paraprofessional staff as assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
  3. Assists and coordinates the provision of special education support, evaluations, and services with nonpublic schools, approved private schools, BOCES and independent providers.
  4. Participates effectively in regional-level, District-level, building-level, department-level, and ad hoc committees as assigned as a representative of the Special Education Department
  5. Assists in the planning, coordination and, as appropriate, the delivery of professional learning on topics related to the needs of staff and students and the goals of the Special Education Department, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and the District
  6. Monitors students' academic performance to assist teachers in meeting student needs and administrators in determining program revisions and/or adjustments.
  7. Attends meetings relevant to curricula areas and responsibilities.
  8. Stays abreast of the latest research, trends, and developments in these fields.
  9. Participates in appropriate local, state, and national professional meetings.
  10. Participates in the selection of new personnel within the above-mentioned departments. 
  11. Provides for early identification, evaluation of disabling conditions, and the development of programs or placement in existing programs that meet individual student needs both within and outside of the District.


To ensure that students receive a free appropriate education according to Education Law and Regulations. To ensure the development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of all aspects of the Office of Special Programs, including but not limited to special education ages three through twenty-one, English as a Second Language, Medicaid-funded services, psychological services, supports for homeschooled education, and compliance with all New York State and Federal regulations related to those services. To provide leadership in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the UPK through 12 intervention programs in accordance with State and District standards and policies. To provide instructional leadership and data analysis, while developing aligned systems and structures to monitor student progress in conjunction with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Building Principals. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Mission of the District.


Performs duties as required or assigned by the Superintendent or designee.


Terms of Employment

In accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education

As per contract
Library Media Specialist K-12Lib 3-14-2025



School Library Media Specialist K-12

Posting Date

March 14, 2025

Starting Date

August 2025

Application Due Date

March 31, 2025


  • New York State provisional or permanent certificate in the field of School Library Media Specialist (Grades K through 12).
  • Possesses and displays the experience, ability, personality, energy, and maturity to meet the everyday demands of students, curriculum, department, school and system.

Reports to

Building Principal


  • An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  • Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.

Administrative Tasks

  • Develops with the building administrator specific goals and services for the library program that are consistent with the general philosophy of the School System as embodied in curriculum guides, adopted textbooks and handbooks.
  • Understands the details of the instructional program in the building.
  • Establishes standards of student conduct which will make the library atmosphere conducive to research, independent reading and study.
  • Promotes a positive physical learning atmosphere in the library media center through displays, bulletin boards, etc.
  • Supervises the clerk and/or aides assigned to the library media center, to delegate the appropriate jobs and provide sufficient supervision so that these jobs are properly done.
  • Determines, along with the Building Principal, if volunteer help is going to be used and if so, supervises such help.
  • Utilizes services of the public library that may be beneficial to the student.

Service to Students

  • Provides students at each grade level with appropriate library skills.
  • Prepares and records plans for class assignments at least one (1) week in advance.
  • Encourages the enjoyment and appreciation of print and non-print materials.
  • Acquaints students with resources of the library media center.

Service to Faculty Members

  • Provides print and non-print materials which support the various curriculum areas.
  • Solicits suggestions from the faculty for print and non-print materials which may be purchased for the library.
  • Acquaints teachers with the resources of the library.
  • Coordinates the teaching of the library skills with the local curriculum.

Technical Services

  • Orders and maintains, within the confines imposed by the budget, a print and non-print collection which will fill the needs of the school curriculum and which will meet the recreational needs of the students.
  • Maintains a current familiarity with new print and non-print materials.
  • Removes outdated or damaged print and non-print materials from the collection.
  • Conducts and records an annual inventory of equipment, books and supplies.
  • Provides for the cataloging of print and non-print material so that it is accessible for use.
  • Administers the budget and sees that all procedures are followed concerning the ordering and receiving of materials.
  • Implements a circulation system which allows for maximum use of materials and one which keeps losses, damage and misuse of materials to a minimum.


  • Strives to keep informed of the current educational trends in library media field.
  • Attends meetings as required (i.e., faculty meetings, departmental meetings, etc.).
  • Assists in implementing school-wide policies and rules governing student conduct.
  • Serves on established committees either on a voluntary basis or by assignment.
  • Maintains accurate and complete records as required by law, District policy and administrative regulation.
  • Supervises library media student teachers by mutual consent with the Building Principal.

Other: Performs related duties as required or assigned.

Job Goal

To provide all students with an enriched library environment containing a wide variety and range of materials that will invite intellectual growth of all in the school. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Mission of the District and the school assigned.


Performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Building Principal, in accordance with Board of Education policy

Terms of Employment

Ten-Month Position - In accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education



As per contract
Substitute CleanerSub Cleaner 5-15-24


Substitute Cleaner

Posting Date

May 16, 2024

Starting Date


Application Due Date



Standard Grade School Course. Some cleaning experience-desirable but not necessary.


Reports to

Director of Facilities


  • An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  • Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.
  • Cleans, sweeps, mops, washes walls, dusts, cleans and polishes furniture and windows, woodwork, railings, window coverings, stairs, hallways and restrooms.
  • Empties waste baskets, pencil sharpeners, etc. and disposes of rubbish.
  • Cleans and washes lavatory fixtures, mirrors, chalk boards and chalk trays.
  • Replaces light bulbs, dispensers, etc. Fills dispensers with soap, disposable paper products, etc.
  • Vacuums and cleans carpets and furniture; straightens office, classroom and cafeteria furniture.
  • Secures and locks windows and doors.
  • Turns off lights and small appliances.
  • Provides continuous awareness of all safety precautions, procedures, etc. and reports problems/deficiencies.
  • Gives assistance as necessary to educational personnel.
  • Performs duties as may be assigned by the Head Custodian (or designee).
  • Participates in minor grounds activities including, but not limited to, mowing, weeding, painting, and snow removal.


Other: Performs related duties as required or assigned

Job Goal

The cleaner is responsible for performing all of the routine cleaning duties in the school buildings as directed by the Head Custodian (or designee).



Performance of the job will be evaluated annually by the Head Custodian in accordance with Board of Education policy.

Terms of Employment

As Needed. In accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education. 12-month position based on the current Support Staff Agreement

per contract
Substitute CustodianCustodian 5-15-24


Substitute Custodian

Posting Date

May 16, 2024

Starting Date


Application Due Date



According to Civil Service regulations for laborer classification..

Reports to

Head Custodian or Director of Buildings and Grounds


  • An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  • Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.
  • Sweeps and mops floors and stairs.
  • Dusts desks, woodwork, furniture, and other equipment.
  • Washes windows, walls, chalk boards, sinks, and other fixtures.
  • Polishes furniture and other metal furnishings.
  • Empties wastebaskets, collects and disposes of rubbish.
  • Reports unsafe or unusual conditions to the supervisor.
  • Clears snow and ice from walks and driveways.
  • Mows lawns, trims shrubs, rakes leaves, weeds lawn areas and performs similar duties as assigned.
  • Assists in operation of heating plant operation.
  • Delivers packages and messages.
  • Places and removes traffic signs.
  • Arrange chairs and furniture as directed.
  • Makes minor repairs to facilities and/or equipment as needed.
  • Paints rooms and equipment as needed.
  • Assists in minor plumbing, carpentry, or electrical work.
  • Works cooperatively with school personnel, students, and the community.
  • Carries out any other assigned duties and/or responsibilities which may be deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of Schools (or designee) and the Board of Education.


  • Performs related duties as required or assigned.


Job Goal

To help maintain facilities in a clean, orderly, and safe condition. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Mission of the District and the school assigned.



The performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Director of Buildings and Grounds and in accordance with Board of Education policy.


Terms of Employment

As needed. Twelve (12) months per year according to the terms established by the Agreement between the Superintendent and the Support Staff Association.

per contract
Substitute Positions for Lyons Central SchoolSubstitute


  • Substitutes – Please note which position you are applying for
  • Teachers- $140 per day certified; $130 per day uncertified
  • Teacher Aides & Teaching Assistants - $15.30 Aide  $16.23 TA per hour
  • Monitors - $15.00 per hour
  • Clerical - $15.90 per hour
  • Food Service - $15.00 per hour
  • Nurses (RN) $140.00 per day
$15.00 -and up per hour position depending

Lyons Central School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is in compliance with the Title IX, Regulations of the Education Amendment of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. I authorize the Lyons Central School District to inquire, at their discretion, into my professional background and professional experiences and hereby release any member or agent of the district from any liability regarding me, whether or not said information is in my application. I further understand that the information, which is gathered, in part or whole, may be shared with members of the school district who are involved in the employment process. I further understand that all information gathered regarding my application will be the property of the school district and will not be released to me.