Job Posting

Job Opening Information Director of Special Programs

Job Number
3-14-2025 Director Spec Programs
Application Deadline

Position Title
Director of Special Programs
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
As per contract
Job Description





Director of Special Programs

Posting Date

March 14, 2025


Starting Date

August 2025

Application Due Date

March 31, 2025



  • School Administration and Supervision (SAS), School District Administrator (SDA) or School District Leader (SDL) Certification
  • Experience in Special Education, Administration, or Related Fields is preferred.



Reports to

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction




  • Responsible for leading the Special Education department. Acting as the Liaison for Homeschooled Youth.
  • Coordinating efforts to build a sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for all students.



Works in collaboration with building administrators in the supervision of professional and paraprofessional staff that provide any of the following: school-year special education services and, as assigned, ENL services, 504 Accommodation Plans, homeschooled supports, and Medicaid-funded services. Also, MTSS Tier I Coaches, and MTSS Tier II/III Coaches are districtwide. 



  1. An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.
  2. Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.
  3. Provides for early identification, evaluation of disabling conditions, and the development of programs or placement in existing programs that meet individual student needs both within and outside of the District.
  4. Collaborate with the building administrators and appropriate staff members in developing and coordinating services designed to increase the academic achievement of all students, including those with disabilities, through:
    1. Supporting staff on best practices in areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment
    2. Data analysis for appropriate educational decision-making
    3. Assistance in planning for the administration of the New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA), the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) and the New York State assessments for grades 3 through 12 for students with disabilities
    4. Collaboration with the building administrators on program, staff and facilities planning, including caseloads, scheduling, and placement.
  1. Complete accurate and timely preparation and filing of required District and New York State verification and accountability reports.
  2. Assists in the supervision and evaluation of professional and paraprofessional staff as assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
  3. Assists and coordinates the provision of special education support, evaluations, and services with nonpublic schools, approved private schools, BOCES and independent providers.
  4. Participates effectively in regional-level, District-level, building-level, department-level, and ad hoc committees as assigned as a representative of the Special Education Department
  5. Assists in the planning, coordination and, as appropriate, the delivery of professional learning on topics related to the needs of staff and students and the goals of the Special Education Department, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and the District
  6. Monitors students' academic performance to assist teachers in meeting student needs and administrators in determining program revisions and/or adjustments.
  7. Attends meetings relevant to curricula areas and responsibilities.
  8. Stays abreast of the latest research, trends, and developments in these fields.
  9. Participates in appropriate local, state, and national professional meetings.
  10. Participates in the selection of new personnel within the above-mentioned departments. 
  11. Provides for early identification, evaluation of disabling conditions, and the development of programs or placement in existing programs that meet individual student needs both within and outside of the District.


To ensure that students receive a free appropriate education according to Education Law and Regulations. To ensure the development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of all aspects of the Office of Special Programs, including but not limited to special education ages three through twenty-one, English as a Second Language, Medicaid-funded services, psychological services, supports for homeschooled education, and compliance with all New York State and Federal regulations related to those services. To provide leadership in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the UPK through 12 intervention programs in accordance with State and District standards and policies. To provide instructional leadership and data analysis, while developing aligned systems and structures to monitor student progress in conjunction with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Building Principals. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Mission of the District.


Performs duties as required or assigned by the Superintendent or designee.


Terms of Employment

In accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education

Application Procedure

Please complete the online application.

Please refer to above Required Application Type to complete before applying.

Job Category
Job Location
District Wide

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