- An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome and able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals. Implements the State/District curriculum standards.
2)Develops an appropriate orientation program that will present the students with a general overview of the course objectives, procedures, content and evaluation techniques. 3)Preplans activities at least one (1) week in advance for each class in regard to materials and use of time according to the goals and objectives of the program. 4)Utilizes available resources to enhance student learning experiences. 5)Provides opportunities when appropriate for students to identify and study major problems facing society today. 6)Provides experiences for students to identify and develop responsible citizenship roles in a democratic society. 7)Maintains open lines of communication with students and parents concerning academic and behavioral progress of assigned students. 8)Works toward the establishment of good teacher-pupil relationships. 9)Develops appropriate rules and procedures for student behavior and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and consistent manner. 10) Provides supervision of students both in and outside of the classroom in accordance with school regulations. 11)Assists in implementing school-wide policies and rules governing teacher and student responsibilities. 12)Establishes a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and to the development of a positive self-concept. 13)Identifies and provides broad and varied reading experiences for students that relate to the course of study. 14)Assesses the progress of individual students on a continuing basis, provides progress reports, and holds appropriate conferences. 15)Strives to keep informed of the current educational trends in this subject area. 16)Plans, develops and implements a program to meet the individual physical, mental, social, emotional and health needs, interests and abilities of the students. 17)Assigns to students and collects textbooks and supplemental materials and is responsible for accounting for each resource material at the end of the learning activity. 18)Conducts and records an inventory each year of the equipment and materials for which He/she is responsible. 19)Provides for teacher-pupil planning opportunities when appropriate. 20)Submits yearly budget requests to department Lead Teacher. 21)Maintains accurate and complete records as required by law, District policy and administrative regulations. 22)Assists the librarian and media personnel (when requested) in the selection of appropriate subject related materials. 23)Attends meetings as required (i.e., faculty, departmental, etc.). 24)Serves on established committees on a voluntary basis. 25)Works with Special Education Resource Room teacher(s) on an on-going basis to provide necessary assistance to mainstreamed Special Education students. 26)Works closely with other content area teachers to provide meaningful instruction and assignments in interdisciplinary courses, where applicable. |